French Course

Course Description

France is famous for its rich architectural heritage and culture. We all love the Eiffel Tower and the Cathedral of Notre Dame. There are 220 million French speakers in the world. French is an official language in 29 countries like France, Canada, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland and many more across 5 continents. It is the 6th most widely spoken language in the world and the 2nd most taught language in our schools across India. Additionally, to migrate to any Francophone (or French-speaking) country like Canada for employment or higher education, knowing French will help you incredibly for a comfortable experience.

Let us explore the French language program offered by The Language Academy. 

Overview of Levels

Each language has a certain number of levels that are in progression from basics to advanced.

Basic Course Plan for Adults

Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking are the pillars of language proficiency that are assessed at each level.

Crash Course

Along with full term courses , we also offer crash courses for all languages to enable you to get an overview of the language and also to understand the language along with your love for it in a better way before taking the big plunge . Crash courses are usually termed at 10-15 hours which are enough to give you an insight to the language and the country’s culture.

Customised Course

Each person has a different reason to study languages. Some study it as a hobby , for immigration, as travellers, for their jobs , studying abroad, etc. Keeping in mind all the requirements, we also customise courses depending upon your need and area of focus. The duration and fees vary depending upon the requirements and the course is planned accordingly.


Academic Course

We also offer tuitions for academic courses for 11th & 12th standard and also to school students for all boards all standards.

Elementary Use of Language


The person can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences.

Can introduce him/herself and others as well as ask others about themselves. Can communicate in a simple manner if the person they are speaking to speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.


The person can understand sentences and commonly used expressions associated with topics directly related to his/her direct circumstances (e.g. personal information or information about his/her family, shopping, work, immediate surroundings).

Can make him/herself understood in simple, routine situations dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on common topics.

Independent Language Use



The person can understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and the focus is on familiar topics associated with work, school, leisure time, etc.

Can deal with most situations typically encountered when travelling in the language region.

Can report on experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes and goals as well as make short statements to justify or explain his/her own views and plans.


The person can understand the main content of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics; also understands specialized discussions in his/her own primary area of specialization.

Can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is easily possible without a great deal of effort on either side.

Autonomous Language Ability


The person can understand a wide range of challenging, longer texts and grasp implicit meanings.

Can express him/herself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words frequently and noticeably.

Can use the language effectively and flexibly in his/her social and professional life or in training and studies.


The person can effortlessly understand practically everything which he/she reads or hears.

Can summarize information from various written and spoken sources, logically recounting the reasons and explanations.

Course Plan for Kids

Grasping a new language is easier in the formative years. So, we at The Language Academy, conduct a Hobby French language course for youngsters. Under this course the basic A1 and A2 shall be divided into A1.1 AND A1.2 & similarly A2.1 and A2.2. Further levels can be normally learnt following the same pattern as of the Language Course for adults.

This is a great way for kids to spend their leisure time in a productive way. The Language Academy knows the secret to making language learning fun and exciting for the kids too. Get to know others of a similar age and enjoy the experience of learning French together. With songs and stories, dance and drama, movies and much more. And at the end of the course, they can happily say: ‘apprendre le français est amusant!’ (Learning French is fun!)


At the end of each level a certificate proving the proficiency of the student shall be handed over to the student by The Language Academy. In addition to that, at the end of each level the student shall be eligible to appear for the International Exam held by DELF (Diplôme d'études en langue française) whose certificate is widely recognized in about 165 countries and valid for lifetime.

The Language Academy Is A Labour Of Love. It Was Born Out Of Love For Languages. Mrs. Dheera Shah, The Co-founder Of The Language Academy Has Been Passionate About Foreign Languages.

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